Abstracts Submission NOW OPEN
Extended abstracts must be submitted electronically by November, 15, 2013. Each paper will be accepted based on its originality, and innovation according to the conference themes.

Extended abstracts should range between 2-3 pages, including figures, tables and references (Please use the following latex template and submit your contribution in pdf format).
According to the number of submission and to the quality of the submitted papers, a Call for Full Papers in a Special Issue of a Journal (IJNMF or Computers and Fluids) will be diffused.

Submission of abstract: Deadline: november 15, 2013

Submission steps
1) Create an account on this link (Remark that this account creation is NOT related to the Pre-registration, that remains mandatory for attending the conference)
2) Submit your abstract using your username and password on the following link. Then, click on "my submission" and then "Submit an abstract".